Washington D.C. Immersion Ideas
Adventure, Cuisine, Culture, Drink, Finders Seekers, Game Night Ideas, Immersion, Music

Take Game Night to New Heights with These Age-Old Immersion Ideas!
Check out our cuisine, drink, and music recommendations below.
Our Recommendations:

Each new president has brought his own personal tastes to the White House. President Biden loves his ice cream, President Trump favored Burger King and President Obama couldn’t resist the nachos, extra guacamole please. For your immersive game night, lets head back in time and look for inspiration from some of the nation’s earliest presidents. Try these authentic mount Vernon hoecakes with honey, courtesy President Washington, and creamy chicken fricassee, beloved of President Lincoln. Find the recipes here.

Washington D.C.’s most iconic drink is, of course, the Gin Rickey. During a heat wave 200 years ago, the eponymous Rickey stopped into Shoomaker’s Saloon (favorite of lobbyists and politicians) for a refreshing drink. History was made that day. It may sound like a simple recipe… soda water, fresh lime juice and gin or bourbon. That doesn’t stop local bars from trying to one up each other with new variations every July during Gin Rickey Month. Find the recipe here.

Washington D.C. may not have been the birthplace of jazz, but the city’s influence is clear. D.C.’s famed jazz clubs launched the careers of legendary artists like Duke Ellington, Charlie Rouse and Jelly Roll Morton. The unique mesh of jazz styles perfectly reflects the city itself: perfectly American and at the same time beautifully diverse. Find it all on our complete playlist here.